Monday, December 29, 2008
However, fatigue crept in and the team in red was made to pay for failing to take their chances and their defensive errors. All in all, it was a good final game in ESPZEN without much incident; and, of course, congratulations to Armanis for winning the championship!
To the many friends (and enemies? haha) we made in this season: Thank you for the memories, and all the best for the new year in advance!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Drawing the curtains on 2008
Venue: Anderson Junior College
Date: 27/12/2008 (Saturday)
Time: 8am
Jersey: WHITE
Players Available:
- Kim
- Han Ting
- Wak
- Zhong
- Wei Lin
- Wenxiong
- Jason Chew
- Sinting
- Josh
- Razee
- Lionel
- Guoxing
- Darren
- Ethan
- Nathan
- Nizar
- Yen Hao
- Ah Liang
- Adib ( Forever Injured)
- Jason Ang (POP)
- Boon (Injured)
- Eugene (Overseas)
- Ah Long (Duty)
Opponent: Armanis FC
Venue: First Toa Payoh Sec School
Date: 28/12/2008 (Sunday)
Time: 1pm
Jersey: RED
Players Available:
- Kim
- Han Ting
- Wei Lin
- Jason Ang
- Josh
- Jason Chew
- Ah Long
- Wenxiong
- Ah Liang
- Zhong
- Yen Hao
- Ethan
- Nathan
- Adib ( Forever Injured)
- Boon (Injured)
- Jason Chew (NS)
- Eugene (Overseas)
- Darren (Overseas)
- Ah Long (NS)
- Nizar (Reservists)
- Guoxing (Mole Test)
- Sinting (Unknown)
- Peng (Last minute Injured)
- Lionel (Last minute abandoned)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
AJC Reunion
There will be an 11-a-side kickabout at AJC this coming saturday, 27 Dec 09, at 0800H. Pls confirm your attendance by thurs morning latest. PLs sms/call/tag Adib or Kim or Boon. Thank you.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The line up was as follows:
Singapore: Lionel Lewis, Baikhakki, Noh Rahman(Ismail), Ridhuan, Shahril Ishak(shaiful), Noh Alam Shah
Foreign: Precious, Bennett, Mustafic, Shi Jiayi, Agu Casmir(Indra)
This time around, more Singaporeans were in the starting lineup, owing to the fact that John Wilkinson is injured. Nevertheless, Shahril Ishak played very well on the left flanks bearing in mind this was his first start in the competition. A round of applause to Singapore's sprinter Md Ridhuan as well. I think he was fantastic tonight. His runs were well timed and his crosses were accurate. As for Alam Shah, he was Singapore's mascot, the Lion. Always chasing for the ball and trying desperately to win 50-50 balls for singapore. Baihakki and Noh Rahman were great at the back, lest the lapse in concentration by Baihakki which led to the goal. Lionel Lewis had nothing to do at all the whole game except for the time he had to pick the ball out of his own net.
True enough, the goal was a mistake by the right sided players and the defence who were flat at the back. Ismail Yunos who just came in wasn't conditioned yet to the fast paced game and true enough, he was beaten by L C Vinh. Bennett tried to prevent the goal but to no avail.
As for the foreign talents, I felt that Bennett had a good game. He played well on the left flank. However, the same could not be said for Precious. At times, his positioning and his anticipation of the ball were rubbish.Mustafic was not his usual self. He couldn't control the midfield like in the previous games. Shi Jiayi was at best mediocre tonight, except for his shot which the keeper had to parry. Agu was RUBBISH tonight, which made me wonder why he wasn't substituted during half time.
Yes i know it's unfair to start blaming the foreign talents when we lost. As you can see, they played well during the group stages. Therefore, why am I still proposing Singapore to make use of born and bred Singaporeans? the reason is simple, you can see the hunger in their play. yes mustafic had a header punched away by the keeper and shi jiayi's crosses were fantastic. but for much of the game, can you really see the difference between the two teams? Vietnam playeers put their heart into every run, every tackle, every jump. For me, you can only see the hunger in the Singaporeans. yes shi jiayi was yellow carded for the high leg raise, but he could just head the ball, why use his leg?
I know i've been beating around the bush. The point I want to make is the Vietnamese players know that they are playing for pride. Singapore meanwhile, plays because they are the champions and think they can win. Not that the foreign talents are to blame for the loss. It's just that, when you have foreign talents in the team, you are expected to be better than the the locals. And with the best bunch of locals playing together with the foreign talent,Singapore are expected to flourish. This was not the case tonight.
To sum it all up, let the locals play. Even if we lose, at least we know the standard of Singapore soccer.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New Kids & Pakcik on the Block
First and foremost, let's welcome back the first AJC Captain of the current team - Ethan Loo

Fans would affectionately remember the Astroboy for his fearsome defending and comical tackles. Together with Wak, Weilin and Eugene, they formed the shortest backline ever seen in ESFC. Statistics have shown that, when played together with Wak, there is a 50% increase in the number of cards given to both the team and our opponents. Clearly, our very own Vinne Jones.
Secondly, say HELLO! to Hanting

Spotted by Adib in the bushes along KJE(We do not know why Adib was there), this fine gentleman was hunting for his next meal and possibly sniffing around for the whereabouts of Mas Selamat Kestari. The writer, hereby, warns our readers and possible opponents that looks can be deceiving. When on the football pitch, this 'hunter' would make full use of his strength from the jungle to turn into 'John Rambo' with career-threathening tackles. Remember Roy Keane on Haaland?
Thirdly, the one who first caught Kumar's eyes along with Yenhao - the diminutive Guoxing

Also, the brother of Ah Long, Ah Liang or call him Simon.

Our new goalie to lessen the workload of Nathan and though he has yet to show prowess on the pitch, our goalie coach, Massimo Taibi has said that this man has got great potential. Unlike his brother, Simon is not an unlicensed moneylender and does not go around writing O$P$ on the walls. He is, in fact, approved by the authority to lend people money and chase debts. What an upgrade!
Finally, the abang of Nizar, but more skillful in terms of girls and soccer - Razee(pronounced RAH-ZEE, not LOUSY)
Now, officially the oldest along with the impregnable Darren, Razee used to play football with the likes of Adib, Nizar and Kim back in their secondary school days. The classic example of school bullies on the soccer scene when the older students bully the younger ones. This Pakcik plays best on the wings with his speed and trickery on the football.
Fans have noted that with the addition of Razee and Guoxing to the team, there is an increase in the number of players who have moles aka antennas on their faces. Well, the England team got their WAGs. We also got our 'Mole Gang'.
With a month to shape up and for the new players to gel in our team before the new league, there would be a series of friendlies together with the last ESPZEN match.
Opponent: Unknown
Venue: Xinmin Secondary School @ Hougang Ave 8
Date: 20/12/2008 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Jersey: BLUE
Players Available:
- Kim
- Guoxing
- Zhong
- Wak
- Darren
- Wenxiong
- Ethan
- Wei Lin
- Josh
- Nathan
- Jason Chew
- Han Ting
- Lionel
- Eugene (Injured)
- Nizar (Injured)
- Ah Long(Injured)
- Adib ( Forever Injured)
- Yen Hao (Injured)
- Peng (Probably Injured)
- Jason Ang (Camper)
- Boon (Injured)
- Sinting (Work)
- Razee (Compassionate Leave)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
'Cheaper matches, more players and more bitches'
Dear all,
Like I have mentioned in the earlier post, next season we would be playing in another league and from what I have seen from the website, the league is properly managed with good teams plying their trade. So, hopefully there would not be another 'Casanova Malays/Minahs'
The unanimous decision to pull out of Espzen was made after various discussions within the North Korean management and the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. We have also achieved full support from the players with them holding their 'little red book' and shouting 'cheaper matches, more players and more bitches'.
To compensate for the loss of some players due to their other commitments, we are pleased to announce that three or more new players would be joining our team in our quest for political, err.. football, dominance in the new league. For now, the identities of these new players would be kept secret just in case fringe players like Kim, Adib, Nizar and the impregnable Darren Sin engage assassins to kill them. Afterall, we're a communist team that purges rivals. :)
Also, if you have friends or siblings who could play as a Goalie of the standard better than Tan 'the Tentacles Man' Zhong Lun, please contact ahKim or ahNeh(Adib if you cannot distinguish). The perks and duty of playing as a goalie are simple and attractive. They are:
1) Concede goals
2) Pick the ball out from the net
3) Scold defenders and especially the impregnable Darren :P
4) Wear the prestigious no.1 jersey(one and only one)
5) The chance to claim that you're better than 'the tentacles man'
In the meantime, try to visit more clubs, pubs and get to know more sluts so as to bring them to our matches for collective sharing. Remember 'Cheaper matches, more players and more bitches'!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Singapore vs Cambodia
singapore born: lionel lewis, baihakki, noh rahman, ridhuan
foreign born: precious, bennett, mustafic, wilkinson, shi jiayi, agu, duric
7 foreigners were in the starting 11. what does this show? Singapore lack talented players? to see players such as noh alam shah, indra and even shahril ishak all on the bench, i felt that these players are much more suitable to represent the nation. just look at the difference of the tempo and chances singapore created when the trio came in. 2 out of 3 substitutions were foreigners - precious and duric.
fair enough, we have many players who are out injured namely hariss harun and khairul amri. nevertheless, what does this show of the national team? are we turning into another badminton team filled with foreign talents? yes, duric and wilkinson gained citizenship on their own, the former after years of staying in singapore as a PR while the latter married a singaporean lady.
what i'm trying to point out is that singaporeans are not playing in the first 11 not because we don't have players to play for singapore. in fact we have many. just look at the amateur leagues available in singapore. true enough there are foreigners playing in the league but this certainly shows that singaporeans do have the talent.
then why can't we even fill a team made up of born and bred singaporeans who went thru National Service? the reason is simple.
1) We cannot live in singapore simply by playing soccer. Look at Fandi. he plied his trade overseas and came back only in his late twenties. most of his formative years were spent in the netherlands, indonesia and malaysia where he earned much more. and indra is a police officer who plays for home united. how much can a local earn as compared to a foreign player? a valuable member of the squad might be able to earn maximum 3-3.5k a months while and indispensable player earns up to 5k. a foreign player meanwhile has a starting pay of 5k. what does this show? singaporeans are not as good as foreign players plying their trade in singapore?
with this, singapore loses out on players who have certificates. an ITE graduate who has a NITEC in petrochemical can earn up to 2k as a starting pay. a poly grad might earn more. and what abt a singapore with a deg? his starting pay can vary but for sure there's no cap in salary if u're willing to work hard. a footballer can only earn up to 5k. how bad is that? very.
2) biasness. some coaches are just damn bias towards players. local coaches tend to stick to players who have played for them even though there are better new players in the team. this can be seen even in tertiary level. biasness will only push players out of the team as even if they train well, the coach chose to stick to his own players which i feel is absurd.
i feel that foreigners are good to have as they raise the game of the local league. however, the pay is causing potentially good players not to choose soccer as a profession. FAS might want to raise the bar on the pay for locals. maybe 15k or something? this might entice the majority of singaporeans so choose soccer as a profession in the early years and then start working in their other profession once the hunger to play isn't there anymore.
in this team itself, i believe that we have better crossers than ridhuan, better defenders than precious and of cos better scorers than agu. however, in order for us to reach our peak, we have to train daily. which means we have to turn pro. otherwise, we will nvr play to our utmost ability. at the moment, we are almost 60% developed. and i feel that we can play. many others can play too. it's just that with training, i'm absolutely sure one of us are able to don the singapore colours.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friendly Match
MR Mohan is keen to organise a friendly match for us. it'll be on one of the sundays before 21st Dec. I hope many of you can make it. i'll confirm again the match details once i've received confirmation.
moreover, since it's after the exams, all of you uni geeks shld be able to play. as for the NSF, can la play awhile won't die. haha
ok peeps. that's all =)
Friday, November 28, 2008
- Lionel 50
- Eugene 100
- Adib 150
- Weilin 100
- Josh 100
- Yenhao 150
- Peng 150
- Kim 150
- Nathan 150
- Figo 50
- Jason Ang 100
- Nizar 0
- Long 150
- Darren 150
- Zhong 150
- Jason Chew 50
- Sinting 100
- Abang 0
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pengsri (Peng) pulled a goal back shortly after the break with a neat finish to make the score 2-1; unfortunately, after the Sundays conceded another afterwards, never really looked like coming back.
The MotM was awarded to Adib for his inspirational fighting spirit which was tremendous for the team as usual. We are sure his knee op tomorrow will go smoothly, and wish him all the best in his speedy recovery! Power la dib!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
i'll be playing my last match for esfc this year and i might not be playing for awhile after that. so, i hope you guys put aside your books or whatever commitment so that we can play together as a team and hopefully, with 2 games left, we can at least finish the season third. as for now, continue studying. sunday can play soccer. one day break =)
JOSH: hey adib don't mind me borrowing your post yeah? i might not be able to play the full game (if any minutes at all) tmr cos i'm still suffering from a bad case of tonsilitis. the medicines are working their effects though, and i'm feeling a whole lot better already. i'll definitely see you guys tmr but hopefully i'll be able to play.
like what adib said, take tmr's game as a well-deserved break from all that hardcore mugging. it will actually improve your focus and concentration! don't believe me? well, only one way to find out! seeya tmr! :D
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Armanis Anyone?
Venue: Turf City Pitch 4
Time: 9am
Players Available:
1. Boon
2. Nizar
3. Josh
4. Wak
5. Ah Long
6. Kim
7. Adib
8. Zhong
9. Sin Ting
10. Darren
11. Nathan
12. Wei Lin
13. Jason Chew
14. Nasri
Eugene (Exam)
Where's the rest?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Usual Score with the Usual Suspects
Despite fielding ten, and then nine, players on the pitch, ESFC put up a brave fight against the competitive yet sporting Usual Suspects, led by everyone's favourite ESPZE- I mean, ESPN commentator Andrew Leci. Zhong's marauding run down the right flank in the first minute of the restart resulted in a goal poached by predator Yen Hao that stunned both opponent and teammate alike. Unfortunately, our mercurial MotM landed awkwardly on his ankle and suffered a sprain that should render him out of action for at least a month.
Dear Yen Hao, your teammates, and above all, your friends, would like to sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourself and see you soon! Hoo-ha!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
No Keeper!
Time: 1pm Opponents:
Usual Suspect Venue:
Orchid Park Sec @ Khatib
Players Available:
1. Sin Ting
2. Josh
3. Wak
4. Wei Lin
5. Darren
6. Zhong
7. Yen Hao
8. Figo
9. Kim
10. Adib
11. Boon
Ah Long (Emergency)
Jason Chew (IPPT)
Peng (Exam)
Nathan (Exam)
Nizar (Exam)
Jason Ang (Taiwan till 29th Nov)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Promotion is in our hands.
Boon drew first early blood with a spectacular individual effort; Sin Ting broke his duck in brilliant fashion as his follow-up to Peng's drive flew like a rocket into the top corner!
Defensive stalwart Weilin was awarded the prestigious MotM accolade for yet another consistent, unerring performance on the right side of defence. His tenacity and composure were a major factor in our victory today.
GGG (Good game guys)!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cmon Guys!
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Wak
5. Adib
6. Zhong
7. Boon
8. Darren
9. Yen Hao
10. Peng
11. Kim
12. Ah Long
13. Sin Ting
14. Lionel
15. Ethan
Please bring $50 for our last payment!!! Thx!!!
Venue: Clementi Stadium
Time: 11am
Jerseys: Both
Tan Ri Peng was voted our MotM for yet another outstanding display in the middle of the vast PSA Keppel pitch. His silky Mizuno skills were of a different class and his experience was there for all to see and admire.
An enjoyable spectacle for the neutral (and referee? Haha!). Good game team!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Perfect Line Up Again?!
2. Jason Ang
3. Wei Lin
4. Darren
5. Sin Ting
6. Zhong
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Yen Hao
10. Peng
11. Ah Long
Last Payment: Please Bring $50
KO: 11am
Opponent: Hibernians FC
Venue: PSA Keppel Pitch (Harbour Front)
Attire: Both Sets
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Small Pitch Again
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Jason Ang
5. Adib
6. Zhong
7. Kim
8. Peng
9. Yen Hao
10. Ah Long
Venue: Bedok Green Secondary School
Kickoff: 11am
Attire: Both
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Something I like to share.
The secret document behind Arsenal's success. Play as a team, stick together...
The team:
* A team is as strong as the relationships within it. The driving force of a team is its member's ability to create and maintain excellent relationships within the team that can add an extra dimension and robustness to the team dynamic.
* This attitude can be used by our team to focus on the gratitude and the vitally important benefits that the team brings to our own lives. It can be used to strengthen and deepen the relationships with it and maximise the opportunities that await a strong and united team.
Our team becomes stronger by:
* Displaying a positive attitude on and off the pitch
* Everyone making the right decisions for the team
* Have an unshakeable belief that we can achieve our target
* Believe in the strength of the team
* Always want more - always give more
* Focus on our communication
* Be demanding with yourself
* Be fresh and well prepared to win
* Focus on being mentally stronger and always keep going until the end
* When we play away from home, believe in our identity and play the football we love to play at home
* Stick together
* Stay grounded and humble as a player and a person
* Show the desire to win in all that you do
* Enjoy and contribute to all that is special about being in a team - don't take it for granted
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sergio Zhong Terry's brilliant free-kick deceived everyone, and put the team in blue ahead in the closing minutes of the first half. However, ESFC conceded a suckerpunch late into the second half, resulting in the points being shared between the two teams and limbo. (If it was shared evenly, both should get 1.5 points each. But 1 point is missing!)
Jason Chew was awarded our MotM accolade for an outstanding performance in the sandy centre of midfield. His flair and guile was there for all to see (what a Gombak 360 turn!), save a few wayward flicks. :P
All in all, an encouraging display of effort. Good game team! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Team Spirit for their tough but fair play.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
EVERYDAYSUNDAY MUSN'T CHANGE! but we are. and why is that so?
1. higher division = better opponents? therefore we show them more respect?
2. bigger field = tire out easily? therefore we always lose out to those who have more subs?
3. we are not as motivated as before?
4. we play like pussies as we have lost our confidence, just like Man u missing Ronaldo?
5. We are just not good enough for Div 4.
I believe that all the above are not true. However, we are showing to everyone that all the above relate to our team. this is not right. we have only ourselves to blame for all the recent lacklustre performance. everyone is good enough to play in this team, for this team. but why when called upon, not everyone play to their potential?
Agreed the last game we were unlucky. BUt are we going to say we're UNLUCKY 7 more times?
we are paying for this guys. we pay because we are passionate to play. we want to win. we want to enjoy ourselves. but at the moment, we are paying but we are not enjoying ourselves.
Do reminisce the past. maybe last yr. we came, we joked, we laughed, and we scored. MANY goals.
Fast forward to today. we come, we warm up, we get serious, and we lost. we have lost 3 matches already. that's not our standard. we used to be unbeatable backi n Yishun. so what's the problem now?
it's time we change to WEST HAM under ZOLA's style = laid-back approach.
we MUST NOT get too worked up when things go wrong. NO GAME IN THIS LEAGUE IS IMPORTANT.
EVERY GAME WE PLAY, WE PLAY BECAUSE WE WANT TO IMPROVE OURSELVES. deep down we all know that we're not playing well, far below our standards.
Therefore guys, it's time we get back on our feet and show Div 4 what we're made of.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Come-Back?! Of Wak!?
2. Wei Lin
3. Darren
4. Zhong
5. Wak
6. Jason Chew
7. Boon
8. Peng
9. Kim
10. Sin Ting
11. Figo
12. Ah Long
13. Yen Hao
Venue: Singapore Sports School
Kickoff: 11am
Opponents: Matador FC
Jersey: Both
Monday, September 8, 2008
time to BOUNCE... BACK!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Champions Cup
2. Wei Lin
3. Ah Long
4. Darren
5. Lionel
6. Alvin Yeo
7. Boon
8. Jason Chew
9. Peng
10. Figo
11. Kim
Lineup is confirmed
ETA: 1030am
Venue: MJC
Jerseys: Both Colors
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sally is back!
In another classic slip of her tongue, Sally disclosed that she had spoken at length to Darren during one of their escapades about him practicing some of his moves at the wrong place and time.
"I have seen from the match review the other day that DARling, oops, Darren did some somersaults on the field. Those stunts were so wonderfully constructed and I was thinking maybe he should have done it on our beds instead," said Sally
"It will definitely liven up our experiences and I cannot wait to see him the next time," exclaimed Sally as bright sparks could be seen from her pair of eyes.
She added:"From the recent match reviews and results, I have noticed that the Sundaians have not been performing up to their standard. I believe the boys are tired, both physically and mentally, due to changes in their lifestyles.
"Maybe I can help by inviting some of the boys back to my apartment for some special service and, who knows, they may even learn a trick or two which can help them greatly in the league. Darren has been benefiting from our training together and I'm sure the others will follow suit if they're interested"
ESPeeN FootballSIAO isn't so sure about the Sundaians being interested on the offer but supporters are confident that the Sunday Mini-League Champion will return from their anonymity and start getting precious points in their bid to wrestle the championship away from the front runners.
On a side note, Everyday Sunday Football Club has transferred experienced central back Leslie to Y Homeless FC of Div 10 for a undisclosed fee. Captain Tan Boon Han commented:
"Leslie’s a player, in an ideal world, you would not want to lose, but the lure of playing in Div 10 with his boyhood club is really too much to reject him the chance,"
"But he has always behaved impeccably. He’s a fantastic professional, and there’s no doubt about it, they’ve got an outstanding player and we have got to move on."
The entry will end with some of Sally's photos which are going on sale at your nearest retail bookstores. Proceeds will be given to the ESFC's funds which is depleting by the day.

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Checkm- I mean, STALEMATE
Despite ESFC's valiant, continued efforts to find the elusive winner, the match located in Turf City Pitch Four (which was equally hard to find) ended in a stalemale.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Suspicion Against Suspect
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Zhong
5. Darren
6. Sin Ting
7. Peng
8. Josh
9. Boon
10. Adib
11. Kim
12. Nizar
Lineup is confirmed.
Jersey: BOTH Colour
Reminder: Please transfer ANOTHER $50 for league participation to Kim POSB Savings account 193-04666-5 for those who have not.
ETA: 1030am
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Sundays drew first blood thanks to a confident shoot-oh from the prolific Nizar, after being fed a brilliant through-ball by midfield maestro Pengco. The burly opposition captain then equalized for his team as he blasted a powerful shot beyond the reach of our keeper's gloves. Not before long, our very own captain then led by example and retook the lead as Boon cleverly rounded the keeper before calmly passing the ball into the empty net.
ECFC re-equalized with a great solo effort by SIM psychologist Terence, but the Malay-Portuguese (?) Nizar demonstrated his predatory instincts for all to see as his positioning allowed him to finish off a rebound. ECFC then brought it back to square one again for the third time running, but I forgot how.
Goalkeeper Nathan edged striker Nizar to the coveted MotM award with outstanding saves and an unerring, sterling performance between the posts.
Both teams had chances aplenty thereafter to secure victory but they all went begging. All in all, a fantastic match for the neutral!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Rivalry Meeting
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Zhong
5. Lionel
6. Jason Ang
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Peng
10. Sin Ting
11. Nizar
12. Jason Chew
13. Kim
14. Darren
15. Adib
Line-Up is confirmed. Those who are available whose names are not mentioned & those whose names are mentioned but are not available please leave a tag or sms me.
Reminder: Please bring ANOTHER $50 for league participation. Our bank is really depleting!
Jerseys: Both Sets
ETA: 1230pm
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Eugene Ong was voted MotM for a virtuoso performance in the heart of defence. The left-back did not once look out of position at all, and even scored a consolation goal with a well-planted albeit controversial header.
As the adage goes, failure is the mother of success. Chin up, guys.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Line-Up For 17th August 2008
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Darren
5. Zhong
6. Josh
7. Peng
8. Boon
9. Kim
10. Ah Long
11. Sin Ting
Line-Up is confirmed. Those who are available whose names are not mentioned & those whose names are mentioned but are not available please leave a tag or sms me.
ETA: Be there by 1030am.
Note: Its quite ulu, so please leave your homes early if you dont know the way well. Note: Its somwhere near harbour front centre at PSA club. Since its damn near sentosa, some may wish to head to the beach and have a tan.
P.S: Those who have yet to pay the $50 for league participation, please do so.
Jerseys: RED & BLUE
Sunday, August 10, 2008
MotM Adib marked his comeback from injury with tremendous aplomb as he skilfully curled a left-foot shot past the keeper. Midfield maestro Long then scored his first goal of the season with a fortuitous rebound. Good positioning Guan Jun Zi Long!
Peng deserves a mention for attempting an audacious half-field lob that smacked the crossbar; and stand-in goalie Sin Ting's excellent handling is surely causing 3rd choice keeper Zhong some anxiety.
Majulah, Everyday Sunday!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Another Keeper-Less Match
2. Wei Lin
3. Josh
4. Zhong
5. Jason Chew
6. Ah Long
7. Boon
8. Sin Ting
9. Nizar
10. Peng
11. Figo
12. Kim
13. Jason Ang
Those not playing please inform me.
Both sets of jerseys
Be there by 0845am
Please bring $50 for those who have yet to pay. Our bank is depleting!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A host of chances were not taken throughout the first half and we were made to pay for missing them. As fatigue and frustration took its toll on our players, WWFC gathered momentum and scored two goals in the second half to eventually claim all three points.
Our defensive stalwart Zhong was voted MotM for an outstanding stand-in performance between the posts. If not for him, the scoreline would have looked a lot worse.
Trophies are not won or lost in a single game, and champions do not win all the time. It is in how we pick ourselves up after defeat that champions are measured.
Good game team.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What We Want?!
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Lionel
5. Jason Chew
6. Long
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Nizar
10. Peng
11. Darren
12. Jason Ang
Please bring both sets of jerseys
Reach there by 1030am
Is everyone playing too hard?
If so, what is to be blamed?
How do you feel about the team at the moment?
How do you feel when you wear the jersey and represent ESFC every Sunday?
Why can't we perform in the second half?
Is a team talk long overdue?
Each question is worth 5 marks. Please write your answer in foolscap paper.
Hand in latest on the 10th of Aug 08 to Adib.
Thank you.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Team Spirit was a formidable foe with good physique and discipline, but could not deny midfield stalwart Wenxiong "Figo" as he released all his pent-up frustration of his NS two-week confinement into the shot, albeit deflected, that led to the first goal.
Exemplary captain Boon then opened his scoring account for the new season with a well-placed drive just before the break, before TS closed the gap with a goal in the second half.
ESFC looks forward to their next match against the White Wolves at Bedok Green in a week that couldn't come any sooner. Well done lads!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Long Awaited...
2. Wei Lin
3. Eugene
4. Zhong
5. Lionel
6. Ah Long
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Yen Hao
10. Peng
11. Kim
12. Nizar
13. Figo
14. Jason Ang
15. Darren
16. Sin Ting
Jerseys: Please bring both sets RED & BLUE
ETA: 830am
PS: Please also bring $50 for league participation
Thursday, July 24, 2008

On the way back east side from the ESPZEN office located in the congested urban jungle that is the Central Business District, I was blasting Queen's aptly titled "We Are The Champions" in the car. Go on, play it now. And savour every word and note of the song as you allow the memories of your respective game moments flow through your mind (goals, assists, tackles, dribbles, red card, etc) and finally, a smile to your face that the Joker would be proud of. You deserve it.
I'll bring our trophy and your medals down for a photo-taking session this Sunday, so remember to get lots of beauty sleep.
Be at PUB pitch in RED by 0830.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Champions Cup
As reigning champions of the Mini League, ESFC are participating in the prestigious ESPZEN Champions Cup against the champions of the other divisions. We have been drawn directly into the quarter-finals of this knock-out tournament.
This game takes place on Sunday 07/09/2008, at Meridian JC at 1100 (1000) AM against Jaguar Football Club, the current champions of Div 2.
Train hard and rest well for Div 4 in 7 days' time,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Living no stones unturned, Man Utd are still trying to manipulate Tevez's protracted transfer saga while praying hard that Berbatov will join The Champions. Meanwhile, everyone at Manchester is silently praying that Ronaldo will go to hell with his stupid remarks together with the ever-no-brainer Sepp Blatter.
Meanwhile, in Singapore, the transfer window has yet to see any massive transfers except for the return of Noh Alam Shah to club football.
What is more significant in Singapore is not the S-league(never will be). It's actually the Amateur Leagues in Singapore! Especially with EVERYDAY SUNDAY FOOTBALL CLUB which is vying their trade in the ESPZEN league. After managing to win 8 games out of 8, scoring almost 30 goals without letting in more than 10, ESFC has climbed up from being mini-league teams to a team plying their trade in Div 4 this coming season.
The good news however has been marred with players not reporting back for training. 2 has gone AWOL while another is still seeking treatment for an injury which happened during a training session last season.
Nevertheless, everyone in the team is optimistic that there are other players of high quality who are able to replace the missing players.
To ESFC, Bon Voyage!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Congratulations, team!
Division 4
White Wolfton Football Club
Team Spirit Football Club
The Usual Suspects Football Club
Everyday Sunday Football Club
East Coast FC
Armanis Football Club
Matador Football Club
Hibernians Legends Football Club
After our brilliant season in the Mini League, ESPZEN has decided to promote ESFC to Div 4. Greater challenges await next season (which begins this Sunday)! Let us work together as a team and aim for promotion to Div 3! Well done, team.
MotS (Man of the Season) Peng marked his (late) arrival in sensational fashion as he skilfully created space for himself before unleashing an unstoppable shot past the valiant Hornets keeper to draw first blood. Team captain Boon demonstrated his dead ball prowess for all to see as he scored two remarkable set-pieces to cap off a superb individual performance, and to maintain ESFC's 100% record of 8 out of 8 victories in ESPZEN's inaugural Sunday Mini League.
Time to use the team fund for champagne, Kim!
Friday, July 11, 2008
2. Darren
3. Sin Ting
4. Lionel
5. Zhong
6. Josh
7. Boon
8. Peng
9. Yen Hao
10. Kim
11. Jason Chew
12. Alvin Yeo
13. Jeremy
Jerseys: As usual bring the RED & the BLUE
Reminder: Please reach Woodlands Ring Secondary School by 1420pm
P.S: A few of them are called up by their country and some decided to take an early post season break than the rest. To those playing, lets finish the season with . . . . . what everyone wants to.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Only time will tell what the higher echelon of ESPZEN will make of this match. Stay tuned for regular, immediate updates! Meanwhile, let's all wish Jason Ang and Figo Wenxiong happy holidays in Tekong. Cheers guys!
This Sunday, 13 July 08, 2.20pm at Woodlands Ring Sec, v British Council Hornets FC. Our FINAL game of the Mini League. Let's graduate with a big bang boom.
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Ultimate League Decider
2. Zhong
3. Eugene
4. Leslie
5. Wei Lin
6. Ah Long
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Yen Hao
10. Peng
11. Kim
12. Nizar
13. Jason Ang
14. Sin Ting
15. Darren
16. Figo
17. Jason Chew
If you are available to play and your name did not appear here, please drop me a msg. Thx
Finally a crucial match for us. Guess you guys have been waiting and drooling on this coming sunday ! We can do it!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 21st Booniano! : )
This Sunday, 6th July 2008, we play our most important 90 minutes yet. It is THE match that will directly decide whether we join a higher division next season or not. Have at least 7 hours of sleep, hydrate yourselves adequately and bring your fighting spirit (not the violent kind though... not too much) to:
Venue: First Toa Payoh Sec School
Kick Off Time: Be there by 1220 (KO 1300)
Colours: - Bring both RED and BLUE
Let's take it to the next level, guys. Let's prove that we belong to the bigger leagues. Anyway as the title of this post suggests, remember to call Boon and sing him a birthday song. Our star winger turns not 1, not 2, but 21 today!!! :D
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Meanwhile, last week's match against British Council was postponed to 13th July 08 due to a snowstorm at Everton Park. The pitch, located just besides Goodison Park, was covered in ankle-deep snow which made it impossible to even use the yellow-coloured ball. This means that Kimi and Zhong Terry will be available for the next 2 matches. However, this cannot be said of "Gayboy" Figo and Jason "Commando" Ang. Both have been called up for the national squad for an intensive 3 months training followed by 15 months of full-fledged dedication to the nation.
This Sunday will be different. ESFC will be having a get-together session at CCAB. A 2 hour kick-about followed by deep soul searching to ensure that players will be ready to play for the team.
At the moment, everyone will be praying for Russia to win later tonight. Go ROULETTES!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Unlike the pros we watch on TV, we PAY to play. Please transfer SGD 50.00 to Kim's POSB Savings account 193-04666-5 by the coming Monday because we need to pay ESPZEN SGD 540.00 upfront for next season by Wednesday. If we fail to do so, we might not have a league to play in after this week.
As usual, drop Kim a SMS/email after you've transferred the money so that he can verify the transaction. The surplus money from which you did not play during the 8 games of the Sunday Mini League will be refunded in due time after everyone has paid up.
Thank you for reading and your much needed co-operation!
Spain to win it,
Monday, June 16, 2008
I am Josh Kho, vice-captain of Everyday Sunday Football Club. Our match against Cassanova United FC on 15th June 2008, held at 1100 hrs at First Toa Payoh Sec, was called off halfway through the second half by the referee as internal strife took place between the Cassanova United players. As per your match reporting policy, I have not submitted my match report online and instead emailed you at this address.
We were leading 7-0 around the 60th minute. Their right-back and centre-back were hurling vulgarities at each other on the pitch; and if not for the intervention of their own team-mates, would have exchanged blows by the sidelines.
Please advise us your course of action. Thank you for your time!
Yours faithfully,
Josh Kho
Our penultimate match of the mini league was abandoned halfway through the second half by the referee as internal strife took place between the Cassanova United FC players. Our 7-0 scoreline and 3 points gained from this match means we are effectively CHAMPIONS OF ESPZEN MINI-LEAGUE 2008! Well done team! Time to bring out the champagne and dru- Oops haha just kidding.
We would also like to take the time to say that we have no hard feelings toward any of the Cassanova United players, and sincerely wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
ESFC's Activation Name List
1. Nathan
2. Lionel
3. Eugene Ong
4. Adib
5. Sin Ting
6. Wei Lin
7. Boon
8. Josh
9. Yen Hao
10. Peng
11. Kim
12. Leslie
13. Figo
14. Li Xing
15. Ah Long
16. Darren
And of course our inspirational Tan Zhong Lun!!!
Please be at 1st Toa Payoh Secondary by 1015am
Bring both 'Red' & 'Blue' sets of jerseys as well as some ice packs! (Adib tells us to keep our cool!)
Injury scare! Ahhhhhhhh!
As the adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are three thousand words:

Friday, June 13, 2008
Back from the dead
PeePeeSee News interviewed Vidib about his feelings after a 2 game absence, " I'm delighted to be back in the fold. I'm not sure if i'll be playing. As everyone can see, the team has been playing well and we might just keep playing with the current players who have been winning games for us in my absence."
As ESFC welcomes the return of Muhammad Vidib, still missing will be the influential Zhong Terry, still out with and injury to the ankle, and also Kimi Raikkonen, who has a charity race to participate. Both absentees will also miss ESFC's last game of the season as they will be away in Bangkok meeting potential sponsors for the club. Let's pray hard that ESFC will get a sponsor for the new season.
According to, ESFC will be crowned champions no matter what. Nevertheless, Vidib stressed that they must not be complacent and they should continue playing total, samba, beautiful, joga bonito football.
"Don't get agitated this Sunday. They will find ways to anger us. We must always keep our cool," reminded Vidib to everyone in the team, especially himself.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dear Everyday Sunday,
Congratulations on your inaugural season with ESPZEN – your team is undefeated and deserves a chance at the higher leagues. Note given our league structure of promotion and relegation, all teams have the chance to quickly progress to the top flight.
I can only bring a new team into the higher leagues however should an existing team drop out, if there are no drop outs then of course i can not remove a team from the league.
Next season we may have 10 or 11 divisions, with many new teams joining for the new teams some may be very strong others not so strong however they would all be in div 10,11 etc so the first season may be challenging with teams playing in a league which doesn’t match their ability, subsequent seasons may not be as challenging as the teams meets some of the weaker existing teams.
I will definitely try to place you in a higher league ie not 10 or 11. There are however similar requests from other teams, however as your team has already proved you a stronger than other mini league teams this is in your favour.
I will arrange for you a friendly game on 29th June or 6th July as you have no league game on this date... this again will help justify a higher placing.
Please confirm you are available on 29th June or 6th July.
As per Kim's request, I have already emailed ESPZEN to arrange the match to be held on the 6th of July. Peng, please ensure that you have no duty commitment on this particular Sunday. We need your famous right adipure boot! : ) FIRST GOAL YAY!Monday, June 9, 2008
Lim Peh talks about ESFC!

Lim Peh ka li kong, hor, we are already the number 1 in the league.
But then, ah, we also playing in the lousiest league. This situation is what we call lum pah pah lan.
We are good but, bo pian, people don't believe. They think we bully lao ah pek and si ginnahs.
Like that ah, I think we must play against Brazil and Italy lor. Si beh cham hor.
Our players, ah, are si beh tok kong. Got ah neh, got ma lai ren and alot of cheenahs. I think, hor, we are better than the Singapore multi-national team leh.
We cannot depend on those angmohs and ou ran because, ah, they don't live in the kampung and so don't have that kampung spirit.
You see, ah, Like last night, hor, I went Geylang to, ahem, “employ” a, ahem, “foreign talent”, and then, I was working very hard on her.
But then, after like five minutes – na beh! She cannot work any more. Cannot trust "foreign talent" one. The bleddy “foreign talent” still charge me so much.
Aiya, I think the gahmen must do something loh. And I think the simi sunday team is also buey pai lah. No foreign talent. All home-grown kukujiaos! Haha!
So, I think the gahmen should sponsor the team lor.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
6YardBox 0 - 4 ESFC
ESFC continued their relentless pursuit of the championship with a resounding 4-0 victory over the sporting and valiant 6YardBox playeurs.
MotM hat-trick hero Peng scored not one, not two, but three goals with his priceless right adipure boot (credit to Boon and Jason for their superb assists); and was typically instrumental in the team's performance throughout.
Josh opened his scoring account with a smart left-foot finish after expertly holding off his man, after being put through by Boon's precisely-weighted pass.
Sin Ting and Wenxiong displayed tremendous quality as makeshift goalkeepers, as their sound handling and distribution gifted our team another coveted clean sheet.
As Zhong likes to say, EVERYDAY... SUNDAY!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
ESFC Call-up Against 6 Yard Box
2. Eugene
3. Lionel
4. Leslie
5. Darren
6. Kim
7. Boon
8. Yenhao
9. Figo
10. Ah Long
11. Peng
12. Josh
13. Jason Ang
14. Sin Ting
15. Nizar
Please bring both sets of jersey (RED & BLUE)
Be at 1st Toa Payoh Secondary by 1220pm
Water parade!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
strawberry dipped with chocolate anyone?
Meanwhile, Tan Yen Hao declined to be interviewed regarding his injury status as he was too distraught to talk about his latest injury in 2 years. However, from what PeePeeSee news gathered, his latest injury setback isn't the worst he had encountered. Before this, he had deep cuts on his fingers and right ear which required stitching. This time round, it was only a muscle pull. Hopefully he'll be back soon.
The same thing could not be said about Zhong Terry. He has a microtear on his ligament and the doctor has said that he will be out for 3 weeks or more. The news is a bitter blow for the man himself as he expected himself to be fit for the Bangkok trip in 3 weeks time. Looks like his night activities will be restricted within the 4 walls of his hotel room -not that he will complain =p. " I will gauge my injury myself before i deem myself fit to carry on playing. Hopefully I'll be running in a week and i'll be ready for the next game in 2 weeks' time," Zhong commented, trying to be optimistic about his chances.
On a more pressing issue, certain players have had a dip in form this past week. A major restructuring of the team might happen this Sunday as many first team players will be out(3 is ALOT). Every player called upon to play this Sunday is expected to fill in the shoes of those missing and play like Lions(England, not Singapore). "A team like ESFC have players who can fill in for those who can't play due to injuries, overseas posting or even a dip in form," suggested Muhammad Vidib when asked about problems that ESFC might face this weekend.
ESFC players will have to brace themselves for hot and fast-paced action on the pitch as all the teams will be vying to inflict ESFC's first defeat. "I believe that ESFC players as a whole have the spirit to achieve greater heights and we will conquer ESPZEN!" remarked Muhammad Vidib, hoping to inspire his teammates with these words before departing for Malaysia.

In the meantime, please remember to drink plenty of water prior to our games.
Return of the King(oops, Kim)

Everyday Sunday Football Club has been given a massive attacking boost after left-winger Then Kim Yuan showed no ill-effects from his 25 minute appearance for the club's match against HELO FC last Sunday. Kim Yuan has not played more than 10 minutes beforehand after injuring his medial collateral ligament in his right knee, with the rehabilitation period taking longer than expected.
Kim Yuan said: "It was in June last year when I had the injury and I knew there was a lot of work to do to get back, especially when the team needed me on many occasions and I aggravated the injury.
"Since the start of the year, I've given much thought to stop playing entirely and fully recover from my injury. I've intensified the strengthening exercises in the gym and also visit different doctors to seek their views.
"I am now just thinking about trying to get as many minutes under my belt as I can before trying to get back into the first team squad.
"It was nice just to come through 25, my first in six months or so, and it feels good, even though I'm lacking in terms of fitness compared to the rest of the boys."
The absence of the left-winger in recent matches have sorely put the spot-light onto the previously unknown(or rather unseen) Muhd Adib, with the latter grabbing all the attention with his goals, fights and sensitive comments to the media. With the left-winger back to the fray, the media will be relishing the opportunity to put their focus back to the controversial midfielder, albeit in a hugely entertaining manner.Sunday, June 1, 2008
MotM Peng was the creative force behind most of the team's attacks and finished off two swift counter-attacks himself this Sunday.
Injuries to stalwart Zhong and the mercurial Yenhao, and a sloppy goal conceded to a rare moment of indecision amongst the usually rocksteady defence, marred an otherwise good match against the valiant Helo FC players.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
ESFC Call-up for top of the table clash against HELO
Adib has something for the team and that is to warn his team of complacency as ESFC looks set to extend their 3 point lead at the top of the table against rivals HELO FC. Despite ESFC's 4-0 triumph in their previous encounter, Adib wants his teammates to be serious right from kick off to the final whistle. Despite last week's result against lowly 6 Yard Box, which may have given false impressions to other teams that ESFC once again bagged the 3 points laid for them, the players felt that they were not up to their best. Just as Adib wants to bounce back from the ugly incident, ESFC are ready to up their standard against the 'never say die' of HELO FC who are still clinging onto the chase for top spot. It will be a tough test for them as ESFC will deny them the chance to go top and extend their precious lead!!!
Below are the names called upon to face HELO FC:
1. Weilin
2. Lionel
3. Zhong
4. Eugene
5. Darren
6. Boon
7. Jason Ang
8. Josh
9. Ah Long
10. Peng
11. Figo
12. Yen Hao
13. Nizar
14. Sin Ting
15. Nathan
16. Ngak
Players are to reach MJC at 820am
Jersey colour: BRING 'BOTH RED & BLUE' SETS
Reminder: Shinguards are necessary!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wakalele returns! (well sort-of)

In a truly ironical fashion, Abang Safri , also know as Wakalele to teammates and fans, decides to come out of the jungle to give an advice to the disquieting rage of Muhd Adib. Everyday Sunday FC has been missing the tenacity of the central defender, albeit one with immaculate feet & knees, exceptional poise for a small man and an ability to finish a person off which reminds us Kumar first encountered him as an all-round(literally) midfielder.
Wakalele said he had spoken at length to Adib about the need to balance his fierce competitiveness and desire to win with an element of restraint and common sense. I've known him for ages, right from the days when we're still hairless and ogling at mannequins so I definitely know how he feels.
"In football, you have to be extra careful with referees," said Wakalele.
He added:"The most important thing is keeping 11 players on the field so I've talked to Adib and all the players about their responsibilities and the discipline they must show, especially when they are deemed to be educated.
"Adib's strength is also his flaw. There are lots of aspects of his game that need improving and that's one of them. It's an area in which he's trying to improve although we're conscious too that you can't take away his strengths. His strengths are that he's a winner and a competitor. He is someone who challenges for the ball and the downside is he gets frustrated when things aren't going his way.
"It's all about control. Emotional control is the key in football because you are coming up against referees who interpret the game a little differently to ours. That's the message I've been trying to get across."
Abang Safri also proudly said that when he, himself, does get sent off, he makes sure that it is for the right reason for the team like stopping an opponent from scoring in a 1v1 situation.
The central defender also claims that opponents are quite terrified by his approach and physical appearances and those are the reasons why he has always succeeded in terrorizing them. However, has disclosed that Abang "Wak" Safri flaunts fake tribal tattoo on his arm in an attempt to delude the opponent into thinking that he is a big-time gangster. asked Wakalele on the date he will return to play for ESFC but before the interviewer could finish the sentence, the player has already disappeared into the thick jungle of Bukit Timah, presumably to escape from the authorities for a controversial red-card offence. views that Muhd Adib is an exceptional player for ESFC. He wants to excel, wants to win, and perhaps he feels officials are interrupting him, disallowing his expression, and feels a powerful sense of injustice. A sort of me against the world, which is a deception great athletes can be masterful at. Passion after all can never be an excuse for petulance.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Vidib has Spoken
" I would like to apologise to all my teammates and fans who have been behind me all the while up till the incident. I regretted saying it out loud. I still believe that the referee sucks but i should have kept the comment to myself. I have smeared the name of this wonderful club and also disappointed all the parents who looked me up as a role model for their kids. Once again, I will accept whatever punishment the club feels i deserved," commented Vidib, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Vidib will miss this Sunday's match against HELO FC for the red card he received last week.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Darren's absence & mind-blowing revelation!

Left-back Darren Sin was surprisingly missing from today's game and his absence has left many startled as the ESFC player is one of the most enthusiastic players in the team with his passion and love for the game.
The effect that Darren’s absence had on the 4-1 victory against the 6YardBox was inconspicuous. However, Vice-Captain Josh Kho accepts that the lack of Darren’s presence made the game quieter.
“Darren can lift players around him,” he told The Shite Times. “He is infectious with his work rate. He gets the crowd buzzing with his war cries and animated stunts. He is just so cute to be playing on the pitch.
“But we were missing other players as well. The team we had out was good enough to win that game. You can always say we’re missing this player, or that player. But we had the squad to cope. We’ve got so many talented players that you hoped one player would conjure something and that was what happened today with Nizar and Yenhao scoring 2 goals each."
However, right after the Vice-Captain's interview, One of Darren Sin's alleged lovers, Mary Wo Hen Mei, gave a shocking revelation to The Shite Times about her supposed relationship with the ESFC left-back, describing it is a "mind-blowing'' experience.

In a no-holds-barred interview, Mary insisted she was telling the truth and that she was not proud of what she had done even though she says she "felt zilch" for him when they first met.
She added: "I felt zilch for him. I mean, he is not my type of guy. I never go for looks or you know I never go for image-type people. You know, it took a while before that attraction built, especially when I have fetish for taller men.
"As I got to know him I began to find different aspects about him attractive, physically very attractive, I began to see him in a different light, albeit from a taller perspective."They had begun kissing "passionately" at the highest floor of a Jurong East HDB block before they got to his house. In his room, she said, "We couldn't keep our hands off each other, basically".
She said: "He said, 'Are you ready for some action?' and I said 'YES!' and he said 'Let's have some Calbury chocolate first' and he brought in some chocolate and he was feeding me. It was really romantic and I felt a million dollars that night, I felt so special even though I prefer Kit-Kat."
Pressed further, she said: "Chocolate really set the mood straight and I remember biting into a chocolate first thing and it was nice. Before long, we were already taking the clothes off."
However, the atmosphere changed rapidly when Mary Wo Hen Mei took off her skirt. Apparently, Mary's real name is Martin Wo Hen Shuai and he/she had cross-dressed to become a woman after learning that he/she has more female hormones in his/her body.She claimed: "Darren was shocked and immediately chased me out of his house. He said he just wanted to have some fun and for the press not to be informed about this."
"He knows how to please. He's not afraid of a woman's body. He seems to know pretty well what he is doing until after I took out my skirt.
"It was not a heart-breaking relationship - like when you have been with someone for years. It happened so fast - I never really gave it time to sink in.
"It was very difficult to deal with and I was very hurt. I was besotted by him."
"These are the facts, this is what happened, this is the truth,'' Mary said in her shocking interview.
"I was wrong to have done what I did, but it did happen and I am not going to live with a lie for the rest of my life,'' said Mary, who is currently seeking job offers in our famous Changi Village.
Rumors have been spreading in the tabloids Darren Sin has gone into hiding after a run-in with cross-dressing Martin Wo Hen Shuai. The ESFC player canceled two TV appearances on The Simpsons and has informed local media said he will be back in the near foreseeable future.
We conceded a goal from the corner as slack man-marking allowed 6YardBox to equalize with a free header, after Yen Hao's screamer drew first blood. MotM Yen Hao put us in front again thereafter with a remarkable volley which left both his opponents and team-mates stunned.
Adib was sent off for verbal dissent in the closing minutes of the game as his patience ran out with the referee's decisions.
All in all, it was a good match for the neutral (cough field warden cough) as ESFC retained their top place spot.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Pre-match analysis with captain marvel, Tan Boon Han

Sunday is coming! Flying high with 3 wins in 3 games, ESFC is conquering the top spot in the table. Tomorrow's match will be against bottom of the table club, 6yardbox.
Despite the difference in standings, captain Tan Boon Han stated," We will not take this game lightly. Although they are the bottom team at the moment, everyone has their off day. Therefore, I expect my team to live up to our billing as the top team in the mini league and to take every game serious. No one should rest on their laurels and believe that the opponents will give in. I believe that all the more they will give their all to prove that they do not belong down there."
Meanwhile, Joshua Kho is excited after being handed a start on the left of ESFC's back four. A statement from him said that he will cherish the new role given to him by captain Tan Boon Han and will do his best to make it his own. Of course, he will have to fight out with 3 other players who have all played in that position this season - Eugene Ong, Darren Sim and Low Sin Ting.
Latest update on player availability has been rocked by rumours of captain Tan Boon Han injuring himself caused by Tan G Long's tackle during training yesterday at FICO, Figo's penthouse. Just like Ashley Cole, Tan Boon Han continued training after receiving treatment from the team's Physio, Grace. Another freak injury victim was Tan Ri Peng. He hurt his butt while cycling for a good cause. Another one on the sidelines is Low Sin Ting. His cause of injury was the worst of the lot as he pulled his hamstring after watching Van der Sar saved Anelka's penalty which crowned Man Utd the Kings of Europe. PeePeeSee wishes all three a speedy recovery.
The team lineup for tomorrow's match has been named :
1. Tan Weilin (2)
2. Ong Eugene (3)
3. Muhd Vidib (5)
4. Lionel (6)
5. Tan Boon Han(7)
6. Kho Joshua (8)
7. Tan Yen Hao(9)
8. Tan Ri Peng(10)
9. Ang Nathan (13)
10.Chong Figo (14)
11.Ang Jason (16)
12.Muhd Nizar (17)
13.Tan Guan Long(18)
14.Sim Darren (19)
15.Zhong Terry(21)
16.Low Sin Ting(24)
Tomorrow's team colour will be the colour of the Champions in memory of the 5oth anniversary of the Munich crash and also to commemorate Manchester United's league and Champion's League triumphs.Be there at 1015h!
Let's start our "MOJO" just like ALI G!