Dear all,
Like I have mentioned in the earlier post, next season we would be playing in another league and from what I have seen from the website, the league is properly managed with good teams plying their trade. So, hopefully there would not be another 'Casanova Malays/Minahs'
The unanimous decision to pull out of Espzen was made after various discussions within the North Korean management and the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. We have also achieved full support from the players with them holding their 'little red book' and shouting 'cheaper matches, more players and more bitches'.
To compensate for the loss of some players due to their other commitments, we are pleased to announce that three or more new players would be joining our team in our quest for political, err.. football, dominance in the new league. For now, the identities of these new players would be kept secret just in case fringe players like Kim, Adib, Nizar and the impregnable Darren Sin engage assassins to kill them. Afterall, we're a communist team that purges rivals. :)
Also, if you have friends or siblings who could play as a Goalie of the standard better than Tan 'the Tentacles Man' Zhong Lun, please contact ahKim or ahNeh(Adib if you cannot distinguish). The perks and duty of playing as a goalie are simple and attractive. They are:
1) Concede goals
2) Pick the ball out from the net
3) Scold defenders and especially the impregnable Darren :P
4) Wear the prestigious no.1 jersey(one and only one)
5) The chance to claim that you're better than 'the tentacles man'
In the meantime, try to visit more clubs, pubs and get to know more sluts so as to bring them to our matches for collective sharing. Remember 'Cheaper matches, more players and more bitches'!