First and foremost, let's welcome back the first AJC Captain of the current team - Ethan Loo

Fans would affectionately remember the Astroboy for his fearsome defending and comical tackles. Together with Wak, Weilin and Eugene, they formed the shortest backline ever seen in ESFC. Statistics have shown that, when played together with Wak, there is a 50% increase in the number of cards given to both the team and our opponents. Clearly, our very own Vinne Jones.
Secondly, say HELLO! to Hanting

Spotted by Adib in the bushes along KJE(We do not know why Adib was there), this fine gentleman was hunting for his next meal and possibly sniffing around for the whereabouts of Mas Selamat Kestari. The writer, hereby, warns our readers and possible opponents that looks can be deceiving. When on the football pitch, this 'hunter' would make full use of his strength from the jungle to turn into 'John Rambo' with career-threathening tackles. Remember Roy Keane on Haaland?
Thirdly, the one who first caught Kumar's eyes along with Yenhao - the diminutive Guoxing

Also, the brother of Ah Long, Ah Liang or call him Simon.

Our new goalie to lessen the workload of Nathan and though he has yet to show prowess on the pitch, our goalie coach, Massimo Taibi has said that this man has got great potential. Unlike his brother, Simon is not an unlicensed moneylender and does not go around writing O$P$ on the walls. He is, in fact, approved by the authority to lend people money and chase debts. What an upgrade!
Finally, the abang of Nizar, but more skillful in terms of girls and soccer - Razee(pronounced RAH-ZEE, not LOUSY)
Now, officially the oldest along with the impregnable Darren, Razee used to play football with the likes of Adib, Nizar and Kim back in their secondary school days. The classic example of school bullies on the soccer scene when the older students bully the younger ones. This Pakcik plays best on the wings with his speed and trickery on the football.
Fans have noted that with the addition of Razee and Guoxing to the team, there is an increase in the number of players who have moles aka antennas on their faces. Well, the England team got their WAGs. We also got our 'Mole Gang'.
With a month to shape up and for the new players to gel in our team before the new league, there would be a series of friendlies together with the last ESPZEN match.
Opponent: Unknown
Venue: Xinmin Secondary School @ Hougang Ave 8
Date: 20/12/2008 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Jersey: BLUE
Players Available:
- Kim
- Guoxing
- Zhong
- Wak
- Darren
- Wenxiong
- Ethan
- Wei Lin
- Josh
- Nathan
- Jason Chew
- Han Ting
- Lionel
- Eugene (Injured)
- Nizar (Injured)
- Ah Long(Injured)
- Adib ( Forever Injured)
- Yen Hao (Injured)
- Peng (Probably Injured)
- Jason Ang (Camper)
- Boon (Injured)
- Sinting (Work)
- Razee (Compassionate Leave)