Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 21st Booniano! : )


This Sunday, 6th July 2008, we play our most important 90 minutes yet. It is THE match that will directly decide whether we join a higher division next season or not. Have at least 7 hours of sleep, hydrate yourselves adequately and bring your fighting spirit (not the violent kind though... not too much) to:

Venue: First Toa Payoh Sec School

Kick Off Time: Be there by 1220 (KO 1300)

Colours: - Bring both RED and BLUE

East Coast FC Color: - ORANGE or WHITE

Let's take it to the next level, guys. Let's prove that we belong to the bigger leagues. Anyway as the title of this post suggests, remember to call Boon and sing him a birthday song. Our star winger turns not 1, not 2, but 21 today!!! :D