After hearing from his captain, Muhammad Vidib has decided to take a step back and retracted what he said to PeePeeSee news,
"I"m sorry for the misunderstanding. As the interview was in Tamil, I believe that my words have been written out of context. I will never want to stop playing for ESFC. Ever. Unless i get called up by Team Singapore, I will don the ESFC colors every weekend, lest 8th June 08 as I have a wedding to attend in Malaysia. As for this Sunday's match, I would want to play. However, I'm currently nursing an injury to the knee, 2 wounds the size of one 20c and one 50c coins which i picked during last Sunday's game. the wound has restricted my flexibility to the extend that i had to stop training for a week. I've limited my routine to just walking normally. Hopefully, I'll be fresh enough for Sunday to make it to the bench. Once again, I would like to apologize to my team for the misinterpretations which has caused dismay and disbelief."