Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Withdrawal from the Sporting Light Football League 2010

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm the administrator of Everyday Sunday FC (ESFC). I am writing in to officially tender our withdrawal from the Sporting Light Football League 2010 with immediate effect after the Week 11 game against Bank Of America. The pull-out of Team Momentos from the Week 10 game proves to be the last straw in making a unanimous decision from ESFC.

The members of ESFC have voted to withdraw from the league due to the following reasons:

1. Quality of pitch
2. Quality of opponents
3. Quality of refereeing

Certainly, many things have changed since the inauguration of the first Sporting Light Football League in 2009 but expectations have to be maintained or improved. We were promised many things but given very little.

Furthermore, for the amount that we are paying which is equivalent to better-managed leagues such as ESPZEN and D2D, the experience has not been value-added. We agreed to pay an extra S$200.00 this season to help the unfortunate ones such as Seng Kiat who has struck a good friendship with some of our members. But we did not expect the cost per match to be increased to approximately S$140.00. In comparison, a friendly game on Yishun Pitch would normally cost S$80.00. As such, since we have paid S$700.00 for the first half of the season and we would be playing the 7th game by Week 11, I believe there would not be any outstanding payment left.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your time, and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Enjoy the impending World Cup fever!


Kim Yuan
of Everyday Sunday FC