So how guys? Wanna go queue up on Wednesday or we hire Adib the bangla to queue for us?
I am sorry to inform you that registration has closed for the race. However, due to the overwhelming response and numerous requests by the general public, Nike is opening up an additional 500 registration slots for The Human Race 10k Singapore, happening on October 24, 2009! Registration is exclusive at the Nike Flagship Store @ WISMA Atria on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 11am. First Come, First Serve policy.
Please read the link below for more information.,
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-----Original Message-----
From: Then Kim Yuan []
Sent: Wed 9/16/2009 12:06 AM
To: Customer Service
Subject: Nike Human Race 10k 2009
Is the registration still opened? I have a group of 8 individuals(including
myself) that are keen to participate in this 10k run. However, the main page
has notified us that the registration is full.
Please let me know if the registration is still opened.